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Vibrant Living, Issue #152 Free Raw For Life Summit & 10 Things I love about the Raw Diet March 26, 2016 |
Greetings Health Seekers,Welcome to the VIBRANT LIVING NEWSLETTERHere in the northern hemisphere spring is upon us and the raw foods are bountiful. I truly hope that you are also enjoying your life and are experiencing the wonderful benefits of a raw food diet. In this issue of Vibrant Living I share information about the upcoming online Raw For Life Summit, which is totally FREE. I'm very excited about the Raw Summit because it gave me a chance to reach out and share valued information with those interested in following a high raw diet for life. It's about 45 minutes of one on one with Dr. Rick Dina and talking about what I've learned over the years and what I found works best for me. You might just pick up the missing link for you to be able to thrive long term on the ultimate high raw diet. There are over 20 other interviews with top notch raw and vegan people who have all claimed greater health through their diet. You'll recognize many of the speakers when you see the lineup of all-stars. It’s an amazing online series, which has the potential to create great health and happiness in your life. I hope you'll take the opportunity to listen to what I have to say and tune in for the other interviews as well. Also in the newsletter is a list of the 10 Things I Love about the Raw Diet, a super new testimony, and a simple raw recipe. Enjoy!
Raw For Life SummitWhat are the secrets to staying Raw For Life?That’s the question Drs. Rick and Karin Dina asked me and over 20 other long-term raw food and plant-based authorities in the Raw For Life Summit free online interview series. What they learned may surprise you! Click here to find out more.
Raw For Life Summit
We all know that fresh fruits and vegetables are some of the healthiest whole natural plant foods we can consume. But how much of a healthy vegan diet should be composed of these raw plant foods? Join me along with fellow raw food educators and long-term plant-based doctors to discuss this question of how to succeed long-term on plant-based diets that include meaningful quantities of raw fruits and vegetables. Click here to join us for a free online interview series, the Raw For Life Summit!
Raw For Life Summit
I invite you to join me and 20 other long-term raw food educators and plant-based doctors to explore what it takes to be successful on a high to all raw diet over the long term on the Raw For Life Summit. We’ll show you how to get the most out of your diet and experience the results you’re looking for, while breaking down the hurdles that make it unnecessarily difficult. In short, you’ll learn the success secrets for a lifetime of supercharged health!
Raw For Life Summit
New Web PageAn amazing new raw food testimony came in this month that was truly inspiring. If you've ever wondered what would happen if you were taken to edge with serious health challenges and doubted you could recover, well this one is a must read. Phenominal TestimonyThe recipe below is a very simple raw appetizer recipe submitted this month. Enjoy as is or get creative and create something new. I'm always happy to receive new recipes at the site, but please send along a photo of the recipe and a paragraph or so telling about the recipe, i.e. nutritional value, why you like it, the story behind it, etc. Thanks! Ten Things I Love about the Raw Food Diet 1) It’s simple. What could be simpler than eating fresh raw fruits and vegetables? 2) Meal preparation time is minimal. Whether eating fruit out of hand, making a dinner salad, or a green smoothie, it never takes longer than 15 minutes to prepare a meal…and usually less than that. 3) Clean up is a snap. It takes anywhere from no time at all to just a few minutes to clean up. 4) Raw food is readily available in every grocery store and farmers market. Just about anywhere in the world you go you have access to raw food. 5) I can grow my own food, which gives me super nutrition and keeps the cost way down. 6) I never get sick so I save money on doctors’ visits and have no lost productivity. 7) A diet high in fruits and vegetables is proven to provide a solid foundation for good health and to fight disease. 8) I feel light and energized after a meal, not heavy and lethargic. 9) A raw food diet has helped me age more gracefully mentally and physically. 10) I love the way it makes me feel.
"Food is simply the reverse process of the sun. You get the radiation, magnetic field from the sun. Comes in touch with the upper atmosphere of the earth. It converts different rays, vitamin A, D, whatever you like to call it. It gets absorbed by the ground. It becomes plants. It becomes food. We eat it and our digestion system reverses the whole process back to the rays of the sun. We absorb it to become energy and we live by it. " - Mehran Keshe, Nuclear Physicist, Keshe Foundation Most days I’m posting health information, recipes, testimonies, etc on the facebook page of RAW-FOODS-DIET-CENTER.COM, so if you’re interesting in checking that out you can do that here. ******************************** Discount Super Foods and Such Although I believe strongly in a diet comprised mostly of fresh raw foods, I do supplement with super green powders, nuts, seeds, sea vegetables, and the occasional dried fruit. If you’re like me you’re always looking for a good deal on quality food whether it’s fresh from the farmers market or purchased online.The following resources may be helpful for you. The Raw Food World, the Fresh Network, Vitacost, and sometimes Amazon can be a good source as well for good deals on green powders and such. The important thing to remember is that fresh is best and these products are supportive and should not be your mainstay. Enjoy!
There are a number of new testimonies at the website which I hope you will read and pass on to others when you feel they would benefit. And please feel free to leave your own story if you feel moved to do so. You need not be 100% raw to share a testimony; the fact is most people on the raw diet are not 100% anyway. Your story may inspire someone else, perhaps from the other side of the globe, to give the raw food diet a try.
Success stories.
Please send me your health questions, they can be submitted anonymously if you prefer, and you may help someone else improve their health and quality life.
Your questions.
Be Well and Wonderful, Hugh
***************** MEDICAL DISCLAIMER The contents of my website and my newsletter are gleaned from my experiences and observations, meant only for educational purposes and not intended to replace medical advice, consultations, or treatment of any kind. I recommend you see your professional health care provider if you suspect you have an illness or disease of any kind. I'm not medically trained, and I would never suggest or imply that I know what is best for someone else's body or overall health, ultimately each of us is the only one who knows what's best for us.
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