Amazing Sherbet Lemonade

by Michelle

Run through juicer:

4 apples

1 lemon

Job done, pour over crushed ice. Amazing you must try this!

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by: Anonymous

Never use the core of the apple or any other fruit that has seeds. The seeds are poisonous.

*** Apple seeds do contain minute amounts of cyanide, but if you're not juicing or blending large quantities everyday your body can easily detoxify.

Most plants contain some type of poison in minute amounts to keep animals from over grazing. That's why you see deer, who eat basically nothing but greens nibble here and then move on to the next type of plant for a few more nibbles before moving on again.

I personally believe in eating a wide variety of foods and never really worry about the toxic properties of plants, but to each his/her own.

by: Anonymous

Do you peel and slice the apples? Do you de core the apple?

*****No peeling, just cut small enough to fit into the juicer and run through, core and all. I use only organic produce.

If you're juicing lots of apples day after day you may want to remove the seeds as they contain small amounts of strychnine.

by: Anonymous

Isn't there tons of chemicals sprayed on the outside of lemons? Should it not be peeled first?

******I always use organic produce and sometimes use lemons right off my own lemon tree. You can scrub the outside with a small brush and mild soap if you like.

by: Anonymous

is this with the rind or?

******Yes, whole lemon rind and all.

whole lemon?
by: Anonymous

Do you add the whole lemon?

******Yes you do.

by: Shelby

Omg, I really didn't think this would be any good. But!!!! It's now my favourite, sooooooooooooo yummy, been recommending it to all my friends. Thank you

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