Raw Food Recipes for All Occasions

So you've decided to try the raw food diet, and you want a few raw food recipes to get you started! Luckily there are loads of them and we've got 100 plus to get you started. Before you start looking I want to share a few important points with you that can help your understanding of the raw diet, the kitchen tool requirements, and what ingredients to avoid.

It’s easy to turn a simple green salad into a gourmet experience, just by adding a few lively ingredients. You can put just about anything you want into a salad as long as it's not heated above 108 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s why this diet is sometimes called the living food diet; it still contains many enzymes and nutrients because the life-force hasn’t been cooked out of them.

There are many exciting recipes listed below, but as your taste buds come alive with this diet a simple meal that will dazzle your taste buds is as easy as combining fresh greens and other vegetables together with a tasty dressing. Remember leafy greens are both cleansers and rebuilders; they clean the intestines and provide massive nutritional value. They’re stocked full of fiber, vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, phytonutrients, and many other health giving qualities yet to be discovered.

To prepare most of these raw food recipes you need only the basics; a cutting board and knife, a bowl, and perhaps a good quality box grater.

Kitchen appliances will make some of the recipes easier, and then there are some that require either a blender or food processor, but please don’t let that stop you from jumping in and enjoying these many wonderful raw recipes.

When some people think of eating a raw vegetable diet it sounds boring, but I assure you this diet is bursting with flavors and is very satiating. And as you consume more raw food recipes your taste buds will come alive again and even the simplest of foods will seem amazing to you.

As you enjoy the various raw food recipes from the categories below you’ll begin to see how your own creativity can work for you in developing tasty raw recipes of your own. The only thing I would caution you about is the use of “extra” ingredients that may make your recipe taste better to you in the short term, but will hamper your journey to greater health in the long run.

Some of the ingredients I’m talking about are agave nectar, cacao, namo shoyu, aminos of any brand, and excessive oil use. Some oil is OK particularly in the beginning, but over time I feel fats should come from whole foods like avocado, nuts, and seeds. Basically if you stick to real foods and stay away from bottled and packaged products you’ll be fine. You’ll notice 99% of the recipes here are very healthy and don’t include those “extra” ingredients.

Done right this way of eating will bring amazing health and vibrancy to your life. Enjoy these fabulous recipes and delve into the natural world of raw foods at a pace that works for you. The important thing is that you do incorporate more raw foods into your daily diet, how you do it is up to you.


Raw Food Recipes

Raw Soups

Raw Vegetarian Stews

Raw Desserts


Raw Rice Recipes

Gourmet Salads

Green Salads

Raw Salad Dressings

Raw Appetizer Recipes

Raw Vegetarian Wraps

Raw Vegetable Pasta

These days there a number of good raw food diet recipe books available, and we’ll be adding many more recipes here soon as well. You can also receive raw food diet recipes through our FREE “Vibrant Living” Newsletter, just click here.

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The contents of this website and my newsletter are gleaned from my experiences and observations, meant only for educational purposes and not intended to replace medical advice, consultations, or treatment of any kind. I recommend you see your professional health care provider if you suspect you have an illness or disease of any kind. I’m not medically trained, and I would never suggest or imply that I know what is best for someone else’s body or overall health, ultimately each of us is the only one who knows what’s best for us.

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