Raw Food Meals

Raw food meals can be as simple as you like or as complex as you’re willing to conjure up, it’s completely up to you. The raw food diet can be an adventure for sure; however keeping the diet interesting for some can be quite a challenge. Some people are happy to eat simple meals of fruit, greens and a few nuts where the palate of others prefers more complex raw food meals.

One thing for sure is that your diet should be mainly comprised of high water nutrient rich content foods. Calorically dense foods should be eaten in smaller quantities and taken with or after the high water content foods when eating your raw food meals. Here’s an example of calorically dense foods. There are 310 calories in a pound of grapes, but 1375 calories in a pound of raisins. With the water removed grapes become a very calorically dense food.

Raw salad vegetables, green sprouts, and non-starchy vegetables contain about 100 calories per pound, and on average fresh fruit contains about 300 calories per pound. Fresh fruits and vegetables are high in water content, low in fat, and high in fiber making them very low calorically dense foods which means you can eat a lot of these nutrient rich foods without consuming a high number of calories during your raw food meals. Calorically dense foods like avocado, soaked nuts and seeds, starchy vegetables, and seed sprouts taken in reasonable amounts will add calories to your diet and help you feel satiated.

Now let’s take a look at some possible raw food meals. Ideally water or fresh green juice, should be taken first the rehydrate your system and get things moving. Half an hour later or so you might enjoy some fresh fruit with greens and a few soaked nuts, or perhaps my favorite which is a super green smoothie. The super green smoothieprovides great nutrition from fruit, greens, and a little fat that will last you for hours.

Lunch might be several pieces of fresh fruit with a large handful of fresh sprouts, followed by some raw olives or a small handful of walnuts. If you prefer something a little more decadent then this recipe for Spicy Raw Ricemight be just the thing for you.

Typically you’ll want to avoid fruit at dinner unless it’s a little fresh squeezed fruit juice in a salad dressing. This is a meal that many people even if they eat simply during the day like to make a little special. There are so many easy yet tasty options for this one, but one of my favorites is Gazpacho Soup because it’s filling and is very satisfying to the palate.

There are many other tasty raw recipes that would work for any meal of the day available here.

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