Anti Inflammatory foods

by Nannette
(Fort Worth, TX, USA)

Q. Which foods are best for skin inflammation?

A Blueberries and omega-3 essential fatty acids found in chia, hemp, or flax seeds are foods that are great for fighting inflammation.

Keeping well hydrated and the colon empty is also important.

A diet rich in leafy greens, fruits, and other fresh ripe raw foods containing high water content will help keep you well hydrated, the digestive tract moving, and provide a healthy diet to help cleanse and build from.

Keeping salt intake low to none at all helps to eliminate water retention which may be mistaken for inflammation.

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by: Bucky

I agree that omega 3 and blueberries can be used best against inflammations.

No salt at all?
by: Anonymous

That is a dangerous suggestion. The body requires salt in order to function. You will die with no salt in your diet.

******Vegetables are loaded with minerals including sodium...celery and spinach are two that you can really taste it. A well balanced diet can provide more that enough sodium to be healthy and thrive. Most people have diets which contain way too much sodium, which is why I recommended going easy on it. Each person knows what is best for them in terms of their own health and eating plenty of vegetables goes a long way in being healthy.

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