Banana Nut Bread

Banana Nut Bread

Banana Nut Bread

This banana nut bread recipe is from Angela Stokes Monarch and looks to be very tasty indeed. The ingredients are few and healthy, and the method for preparation is simple which is great since I don’t have the patience or time for long involved recipes.

Banana Nut Bread Ingredients:

2 cups vegetable juice pulp (preferably at least half carrot pulp)
8 T ground flax or chia seed
¾ cup chopped walnuts
¾ cup raisins
5 bananas

Mix the juice pulp and bananas in a food processor. Add the ground flax or chia seed and let the food processor run until the seeds are mixed in. Transfer to a bowl and mix in the walnuts and raisins thoroughly by hand.Shape into loaf and put into the dehydrator for 8 hrs. When the loaf firms up cut slices and continue to dehydrate another 8 hours or until you’re happy with the moisture content. Top with ‘raw cream cheese’ and enjoy your home made banana nut bread!

Just remember this recipe is high in fat and sugar which is not an optimum combination, so eat it in moderation as an occasional treat.

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Jan 05, 2015
by: Anonymous

Can this be frozen?

***You could, but then some of the nutrition would be lost.

Apr 04, 2014
Easy for me
by: Anonymous

In my humble opinion she clearly lists all ingredients and then lists the order in which you process them, put them into a bowl for addition of other items and then directs us to form the loaf, dehydrate it, cut it and continue to dehydrate it. This recipe was easy and yummy. Maybe reading each word and working in the order she has written the recipe would be helpful.

Jul 22, 2013
RAW website...this recipe is not baked, right?
by: Anonymous

Hugh's reply**** If you read the directions you'll see it's raw.

Jul 16, 2013
Banana Bread
by: Anonymous

Have you attempted to make this yourself? Do you know how she prepared it? Listing ingredients without also listing proper preparation is frustrating for readers.

Hugh's Reply**** I have not made this recipe. The idea of the recipes pages is that people can submit their own recipes or favorites by others, but as you see there can be issues if I’m not totally on top of it. I do screen the recipes submitted for ingredients and preparation protocol looking for any issues. I’m sorry this one is unclear in the preparation directions; I dropped the ball on this one.

I do hope you’ll find some of the other recipes to your liking.

Be Well and Wonderful, Hugh

Jan 04, 2013
by: Anonymous

Do you heat this in the oven? or just eat after shaping? the photo looks like its ben baked. sounds really yummy!

****Not my recipe, but I think perhaps it goes into the dehydrator to firm up and dry out a bit.

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