Beet Carrot Soupe

by Hugh

This Simple Beet Carrot soupe is quite mild and fairly light. Not too much beet flavor and not too earthy, but just a nice balance of flavors. The carrots give it a slightly sweet essence. Because it’s blended it’s already broken down to a digestible state, but remember, with all liquids to savor them and swirl around the mouth to properly start the digestive process.

This recipe has lots of nutritional goodness blended up into a meal that is easy to digest and did I mention quick to make and clean up. Now that’s what I like. When I hear people say they tried the raw food diet and it just took too long to make the recipes I think what the heck. Most healthy raw food recipes can be done under ½ hour and many like raw soups under 15 minutes.


½ head of romaine lettuce chopped

3 to 4 carrots chunked

2 small beet roots

1 large cucumber chunked

1 whole Meyer lemon cut in quarters

1” chunk of fresh ginger root

½ avocado to blend

½ avocado sliced for dressing the top of soup

¼ teaspoon cayenne or piece of fresh pepper (optional)

Pure water if needed


Add all the ingredients except the sliced avocado to your blender a little at a time and pulse to mix. Blend thoroughly for about 20 seconds if you have a high speed blender, and longer if your blender requires more time to create a silky smooth liquid. Pour soup out into a large bowl and dress with slices of avocado.

A food processor could be used for this recipe and really any of the raw soups, although the consistency would not be quite a smooth. Sometimes I like a chunkier soup or stew so I just go with what I feel like at the time. The blended soups are easier on the digestive system to some degree, which is why they can be nice for

You could serve this with a few raw crackers or kale chips on the side or crumbled over the top.

This is a complete meal for one person or ½ a meal if split by two people. A big green salad would be a nice match with this soup.

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