Bitter Greens

by Hugh

Bitter greens is one of my favorite juices. I get one every Sunday morning at the farmers market from my friends at Native Juice Co.

This juice could also be called the liver cleanser or the liver lover, because the bitter greens, particularly the dandelion greens in the juice help the liver to clean house and let go of stored toxins removed from your body.

Ingredients for Bitter Greens juice

handful kale

handful dandelion greens

handful flat leaf parsley

1 cucumber

5 or 6 stalks celery

½ lemon with peel

The dandelion greens are super good for you and contains so many nutrients. Dandelion is known to be an excellent blood cleanser, detoxifier and digestive aid. It contains, vitamin C, B1, B2, B6, beta carotene, vitamin E, vitamin K, folate, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, copper, magnesium, potassium, iron, sodium, zinc, and omega 6 oils.

These same ingredients thrown in your high speed blender with some fruit will make an excellent green smoothie. Perhaps some berries, an orange, and several bananas will transform these greens into the ultimate breakfast, or lunch or dinner for that matter.

I have been making variations of this juice at home for years, but just recently found Native Juice Co. and really love their blend and the fact that I can get out the door in the morning to get to the market and still get my juice there. Sweet.

Native Juice also has a store location in the financial district in San Francisco at Montgomery and Pine. Next time you're in the city drop by and check out their great juice and smoothie offerings.

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Awesome Juice
by: Rufa

I feel really great after this juice.

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