Brain Blast

by Princess Blarity

Here’s a smoothie to help give you a Brain Blast every day just like Jimmy Neutron! Not only are the ingredients for this smoothie good for the brain but for anti-aging in general.

Ingredients for Brain Blast

Fresh is best but you can use frozen if fresh produce is not available.

1 cup of fresh organic or frozen blueberries (full of anti-oxidants and phytonutrients. You can buy them non organic and freeze them)

1 pitted avocado (a healthy source of fat, vitamin E and C. it’s also a fruit)

6 tsp of ground flaxseed (omega 3 fatty acids.) Regular flaxseeds are fine if you don’t mind chewing depending on what kind of blender you have

1/2 cup of fresh or frozen broccoli florets (Vitamin A, C and K. Runs in the cruciferous family of cabbage, cauliflower etc.)

1 apple for sweetness (great in fiber. Remove seeds)

1 cup of cold filtered water (no calories, water is all around you and in your body)

Blend and enjoy.


You can buy a small coffee grinder and use it to grind your flax seeds and spices.

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