Breakfast Fruit Smoothy

by Peter Lockett
(London UK)

The Breakfast Fruit Smoothy is 100% fruit and a full of flavor.

4 Green Apples

2 Pears

4 Kiwis

4 Oranges

1/4 Pineapple

12 Red Grapes 12 White Grapes

4 Bananas

2 Inches of Fresh Ginger

1 Lime

Sufficient for 2 people over 7 Days ( Approximately 2 Litres)

The Kiwis and Lime sharpen the taste.

Start blending with Grapes,Bananas, Lime and Oranges on low setting then use high setting for the rest.

*****As a fan of the green smoothie I would switch out some of the fruit for some leafy greens, but to each his own. :-)

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Jan 08, 2014
by: JFW

It is my understanding that the initial nutrition in just made smoothies and juicing starts decaying around 20 minutes later. To make several days worth of a drink might mean there is little to no nutrition left in that last glass. Also, I wouldn't recommend this to anyone who is prone to Hypoglycemia or Diabetes unless some protien (powder or greens) were put in.

*****You're right about the degradation of nutrients over time. I always consume my juice or smoothie after making, although taken later the same day is still much better than many foods people eat these days. After that…??

I believe this is too much fruit as well, if you read my comment after the initial post. Adding a head of lettuce or a bunch of your favorite greens and removing enough fruit to allow for that would turn this one into a very nice meal. Perhaps with a little chia, flax ,or hemp seed too.

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