Breakfast Stinger

by John Luck
(Byron Bay, Australia)

Breakfast Stinger is a get up and go kind of juice. It’s not for those that are used to sweet juices by any means. John writes that the juice “has a bit of a bite to it”, and I don’t doubt that at all.

The first three ingredients are mild enough, but the spring onion and garlic clove will pack a wallop for those not used to such veggies. This is not a reason to stay away from this juice though, you may have a condition or supportive health need that this juice fits perfectly.

If I am drawn to a particular food or juice then I think my body is telling me it would be beneficial for me to consume it. When I have had enough of a particular vegetable or herb, my body also tells me to let it go, at least for the time being.

List of Ingredients for Breakfast Stinger

4 medium Carrots

3 medium Tomatoes

3 sticks Celery

1 Spring Onion

1 clove Garlic

The healing properties of both onion and garlic are well recorded, although I tend to think of them as only for short term use.

They are said to be excellent for fighting fungal and parasite issues, as well as great for the immune and cardiovascular systems in general.
I think the addition of a hot pepper would add a nice bit of spice to this juice.

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