Can I Improve my Eyesight on the Raw Food Diet?

by Linnea

Q I have glasses because I don't see very well on things that are far away from me. I wonder if it's possible to heal poor eyesight by eating raw food?

A I can’t say if the raw diet will improve your eyesight, but I do think it will improve the health of your eyes. The raw food diet allows the body to clean out and heal itself. When the body is allowed to function properly then all systems and organs of the body work better and create an environment for optimal health and regeneration.

The book Relearning to See: Improve Your Eyesight Naturally! and the other books at amazon discuss natural ways to improve vision, which you might find very useful in conjunction with a healthy raw diet.

I would like to recommend you view some of the Success Stories to see some of the amazing results others have enjoyed by adopting a raw food diet. In good time you should be able to share your own success story with the rest of us.

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Improved eyesight with a raw diet
by: Anonymous

I am 67 years old and have my pilots license… When I have to take the medical exam, every two years, I go on a stricter raw food diet and drink a lot of carrot juice. I passed the test every time, and a couple of the times I have gotten 20/20. Breathing deeply and drinking lots of water and doing the Bates I exercises have helped also – with the drivers license test I failed at one place, and 15 minutes later passed with 2020 vision.

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