Celery Cabbage Lemon, the Fast Breaker

by Hugh
(Fairfax, CA)

Fast Breaker

Fast Breaker

This is a fantastic cleaning juice, but particularly great for breaking a fast. It can help flush out the remnants of your fast so you can start with a fresh clean slate. The cabbage and lemon are great cleansers, and the celery juice carries minerals and supports the kidneys.

¾ bunch celery

½ head purple cabbage

1 lemon

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by: Chris Baley

People who are dieting should avoid all sorts of fat content foods and make sure that they do follow a strict diet with the most nutritious and fat free foods. Salads are a wonderful way to start of. It can be had all 3 times of the day too.

Whole Lemon or peeled

I have been juicing 3 Oranges peeled, 1 whole lemon including skin, and a bunch of grapes.

******Sounds good, but I would add some greens. Not sure how your recipe applies to the fast breaker?

by: Anonymous

Hey, I'm new to juicing. I tried this out in my Vitamix. The flavor is fine (I think I'll get used to it) but it is really thick and chunky. Is that right?

Hugh's reply**** What you made was a smoothie, and this is a juice recipe. That's fine though, you can just add a little water to thin it if you like.

by: Anonymous

Cut the cabbage down and add more lemon. Unless you like the taste of liquid grass.

****Hugh's note**** Some cabbage is harsher than others so as always, adjust your recipes depending on the bitterness/sweetness of the ingredients, and the results you're after.

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