Detox Juice Blend

by Hugh
(Fairfax, CA)

5 carrots

4 celery stalks

1 small cucumber

1 beet

1 small apple

1/2 lemon

All juices are really detoxing because they give the digestive system a break and allow the body to clean house and heal, but this one specifically nourishes the kidneys and liver and helps them cleanse.

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raw food
by: Anonymous

How many times do you drink this?Daily or just once a week?

*********Twice a day, once a day, two or three times per week. You decide what works best for you.

Very Tasty
by: Kelly

This is my first time making this and it is actually very good. My question is do I drink all of this at one sitting or is this to be drank throughout the day?

********Drink all at one sitting while fresh. If it's too much for you then drink 1/2 now and 1/2 later.

by: Anonymous

I'm super super new to this. I was wondering do u only drink this or do u drink this and can eat. I want to start this I'm eating very clean but wouldn't mind a detox so do I just as this is?

Hugh's reply****You can drink your juice at least 1/2 before a meal, or 3 to 4 hours after a meal depending on how heavy the meal was.

by: Anonymous

I made it just as the recipe calls. Fresh veggies make it healthy and easy to digest. I added a drop of tabasco to give a little kick. Hubby and I found it different than anything we've had, but still quite appealing.

Great for the entire Family!

My kids are fighting a sinus infection/cold this winter. I was looking for some good healthy juices beyond our usual carrot/apple. This recipe was delicious!

I added 2 more apples then it called for to make it more palatable for the kids. My 3 yr old had 3 helpings of it!

by: Anonymous

I've made this now a few times, I like it a lot. I tried a whole lemon once , it was to much citrus, I like a lil more cucumber so I used a med size one!

by: Anonymous

I usually add one pack of Emergen-C to all my juices. gives a great tasting flavor to all the toughest juices.

Detox juice blend
by: swissmiss

My first juicing experience (when I juiced myself) and the best tasting yet. Tasted the mean green juice as my first experience and did not care for it at all. Glad this is a much better outcome.

Not my taste
by: Patricia

It was ok but not my favorite... I would have added a whole lemon but still prefer other juice recipes better

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