diabetics need help juicing

by sarah gibson
(Columbus Ga.)

Q What type of vegetable and fruit can diabetics use. Carrots and oranges have a lot of sugar, two of my favorite things to juice with, thanks Sarah.

A I can't really tell you what juices you should drink, but I can tell you what juices I would drink if I was trying to keep the sugar low.

One of my favorite juices is celery, cucumber, and lettuce, with a chunk of ginger root or 1 whole lemon, rind and all.

The foundation of celery and cucumber works well with all leafy greens. If you're new to juicing use more of the base and just a bit of the leafy greens until you get used to the taste. Bok choy, kale, collards, dandelion, cabbage, and spinach all go really well with the foundation of celery and cucumber.

You could add one apple or several carrots to make the juice more palatable which would probably be fine.

Look through the juicing recipes page and I think you’ll find some juices there that will work for you. Just eliminate or substitute for anything list that doesn’t work for you. Juicing Recipes

Dr Gabrial Cousens of The Tree of Life Healing Center and Dr Brian Clement, from Hippocrates Health Institute have both done much research on diabetes and healing people through diet. The results of some of their research can be seen in DVD, Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days I think you'll enjoy this fresh perspective and the knowledge that healing is possible.

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