Edible Wild Greens Juice

by Hugh
(Fairfax, CA)

This was a really fun juice to make. I started out in the back yard picking a basket full of fresh edible wild greens before returning to the kitchen to choose a few complimentary foods to go with them. I had some cucumber, bok choy, celery tops, lemon, and ginger that I decided to pair with the wild greens. This juice was to Live for. It was absolutely terrific and gave me a grand sense of vitality and well being for the rest of the day.

1½ pounds of fresh wild greens

½ hothouse cucumber

6 celery tops

3 to 4 stalks of bok choy

1 whole lemon

1” chunk of fresh ginger root

At this time of year the fresh wild greens are abundant in my back yard and in the hills around my house. For this juice I chose:

miner’s lettuce

chick weed


sow thistle

yellow dock

This recipe made about 24 oz. of juice.

If you’re interested in picking your own fresh wild greens having a book to take outdoors with you might be helpful. The book Edible Wild Plants by John Kallas has nice pictures and has been helpful for me in identifying the edible wild greens in my yard and the surrounding hills.

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Goutweed juice
by: SD

I have tried juicing goutweed. It tastes good if some lemon, ginger and salt is added to it. I live in Helsinki and goutweed is found in abundance during spring - summer. Its called vuohenputki in Finnish.

To make the juice, try picking the lighter green colorerd leaves. The dark once are also fine but you get stronger flavour with them. Wash them well with cold water. Blend it well with little water, salt, lemon juice and fresh ginger in a blender. Strain the juice by pressing, trash the remainder and enjoy the freshness of nature.

I have also cooked goutweed. It tastes great.

Juicing goutweed
by: Mairi

Hi...great recipes. I have an abundance of goutweed this spring and I understand that this is a common salad or stirfry ingredient in Europe. So rather than going to compost I will try juicing it for green shakes. Anyone ever try this? From invasive weed to kitchen table..

****Not familiar with it, but those Europeans really know their wild greens. Let us know how it goes.

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