
This one is simple, but oh so tasty and refreshing. And it does just as the name suggests, it energizes. If you don’t digest fructose well this may not be a good choice.

Watermelon (rind and all)


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Apr 07, 2013
What is a part?
by: Diana

I am starting to juice and don't understand the amounts. What is a part? Is it a forth, half, etc. of the watermelon or celery.

Hugh's reply****
That's the ratio Diana. So two parts watermelon to one part celery is a 2 to 1 ratio of watermelon to celery, or twice as much. Could be 2 cups of watermelon and 1 cup celery, or any 2 to 1 ratio.

Feb 12, 2013
summery goodness
by: Anonymous

This is my first week of juicing and I thought this was a nice simple start. It reminds me of summer in a glass! And I used a 2-1, Watermelon-celery ratio. Loved it.

May 03, 2012
What ratio of each?
by: Anonymous

Q I have yet to try this so I guess I cant really "rate it" but I am curious to! I am just wondering what the ratio is of the two foods? How much watermelon and how much celery??

A It depends how sweet or savory you want it. Two parts watermelon and one part celery might be a nice place to start. You can adjust from there depending on your preference at the time.

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