Fruit or Fat

Q. I’ve read a little bit about the raw diet and some say eat mostly fruit, while others say eat mostly greens and vegetables. I’m confused.

A. Everyone has a different genetic makeup and a unique dietary, health, environmental history, and daily requirements for health. One system may work well for some individuals and not for others, so the key is to experiment and see what works best for you. You’ll know because your body will tell you what it likes best, and as we mentioned above, testing is a great way to check and see what your diet is or is not doing for you.

If you're eating mostly greens and vegetables then you will probably be eating more fat, as opposed to a high fruit diet where most of your calories will come from fruit.

Many times people starting out on a raw diet will consume great quantities of food and more fat than usual because they are trying to make up for the loss of calorie dense foods they used to eat. As time goes along and your system cleans out, your body adjusts and your diet will too. The main thing is to start including more fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet, and cut out the processed foods.

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