getting enough b-12

by jaque
(north idaho)

Q where do you get your b-12? and about how much would a 74 year old female need?

A On occasion I supplement when I feel the need. At present I'm not supplementing, but have taken a sublingual form and used an external B-12 patch that are placed behind the ear once a week or so. It contains 1000 mcg of B-12 as methylcobalamin the preferred form as the body can process it and break it down more easily as compared to the synthetic form cyanocobalamin.

No one can say for sure how much a person needs without testing, but the RDA is 2.4 mcg. Supplement doses are so high because of the poor absorption rate of the vitamin. People with severe B-12 deficiency often need to see a qualified health practitioner to receive mega doses and perhaps shots.

B-12 deficiency can be very serious and should be addressed as soon as symptoms are noticed.

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by: Anonymous

Thank you for writing. Can a person get too much b-12?

Also, is the natural form available in a pill form as well as a patch?

How long is the patch required to be left on the skin?

B-12 is water soluble so you can’t get too much. The natural form is available in a sublingual form that you place under your tongue. The patch is supposed to stay on for about 17 to 24 hrs.

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