hot flashes

Q What are the best vegetables and fruits to juice for reducing hot flashes?

A I don’t know of any juices that specifically address the hormone issues related to menopause and hot flashes, however juicing in general should make you healthier and help your body to regulate and deal with these hormonal issues.

Having said that, you could incorporate flax seeds, which are phyto-estrogenic, into a smoothie or other recipes to help boost estrogen levels. In menopause it is typically estrogen that is low, but sometimes it can be progesterone.

I have read that cherries, alfalfa sprouts, sage, apples, carrots, and oats are all phyto-estrogenic and said to help with hot flashes and night sweats, but have not confirmed that.

I have heard good things about maca root being able to balance hormones, but don’t really have any experience with it.

Here is a great book that may help you sort out the process for your particular issues. Dr. John Lee's Hormone Balance Made Simple: The Essential How-to Guide to Symptoms, Dosage, Timing, and More

After you find out whether you need more estrogen or progesterone then you can proceed accordingly. Many women use progesterone cream which can be purchased at health stores or online. Source naturals is a quality cream. Source Naturals Progesterone Cream

If however you need estrogen and can’t get it from phyto-estrogenic sources like flax seed, dong quay, black cohosh, then you can get a natural source prescription from a natural health care provider.

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