How to Not feel hungry all day long?

by Ellie

Q How to eat and last through the day without getting hungry afterwards? Everyone that is on a diet knows the feeling of staying hungry all day long!

A The first thing to realize is that eating raw foods is not a diet in the sense of being deprived, in fact it is just the opposite. Eating raw foods is a lifestyle change and most of the raw foods in the world are on the OK to eat list.

You can eat as much as you like to feel satiated and have your next meal after the last one has digested and left your stomach. It’s true that at first some people feel ravenous on the raw diet. Their bodies are adjusting to the high fiber, high water content foods and trying to compensate for the old diet of calorically dense foods.

The good news about the raw diet is you can eat until satiated and still your body will shed excess pounds or add weight if needed.

I myself have a large green smoothie every morning which carries me for up to seven hours if need be. Usually I go five hours and have another meal that takes me another four and a half to five hours to my last meal of the day. Being hungry or feeling deprived is not something I experience.

The natural foods feed our bodies, minds, and spirit in a wonderful way that promotes happiness and joy throughout our lives. Sometimes the journey is rougher for some more than others, but the arduous journey id well worth the feeling and freedom provided.

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