Internal Scar Tissue

by Judy Weigl

Q According to my VA healthcare providers I have scar tissue in the abdonminal cavity with a cyst inside that as a result of surgery in 2000. I eat 80 to 90% plant-based foods and of that at least 50% is raw. I am considering going full raw.

My question is; have you or any of your followers had this kind, or similer problems and had success in repair due to eating only raw foods?

Thank you for your help.

A I believe I have heard of woman having fibroids disappear on the raw diet, but not sure about any stories about scar tissue.

The raw diet does relieve the digestive stress on the body so it may tend to other issues, and I would think scar tissue would be one of those. The body typically heals what needs healing first and then goes to the next most important thing. So it would make sense that your body could very well deal with the scar tissue.

I do know that systemic enzymes taken on an empty stomach are known to remove old scar tissue. You may want to check further on that as well.

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facial scar tissue
by: Anonymous

Hoping to get rid of facial scar tissue. Circulation is affected and face is very cold. Also nerves are affected. Any suggestions for help would be much appreciated.

Raw food, herbs, and belief
by: Tee Natural

I had abdominal surgery (myomectomy) followed by Myosure in 2010 (they missed a fibroid, causing me to miscarry; then went back via Myosure). I went vegan in 2014 and then high raw by 2015. Right before going high raw, it did appear that my fibroids had returned.

I would say that after a few months of going raw, I started to literally pass out fibroids. I noticed with every cycle, I was passing out clots and very irregularly shaped fibrin-like substances. Only very recently I realized that it has been scar tissue. A lot of scar tissue! I didn't take pictures (it was rather shocking) but I do believe that my high raw diet, along with clean water, herbs, light exercise (rebounding), meditation, and dealing with my emotional scars have allowed my body to release all of these things. Right now, I am taking the juice of 4-6 lemons with cayenne pepper and clean water every morning, upon rising. Still high raw, now a little over 3 years. I see a big difference already. Check out Dr. Morse, Dan McDonald--both on YouTube-- and naturopaths/herbalists. I pray that you are healed. Peace and blessings.

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