Is it possible to do a juice fast with only friuts juices and carrot juice??

by sujana

hello! i live in a hostel and we don't get to keep juicers in our hostel. but we can get fresh fruit juices and carrot juice. can u please suggest if we can do juicing diet with only these juices ???

A I think you could do a short fast like this every once in a while, but would not recommend anything more than a few days to a week without any green juices.

Some people might not be able to go that long before feeling very unbalanced.

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only fruits
by: dave from Ballarat

I have one thing to say, and that is "fructose overload! " we all know sugar is no good, well large amounts of fructose without the supporting fruit pulp is likely to trigger a diabetic response in susceptible people worse than same amount of sugar. Juice is only healthy when the GI is low and that only happens while including non starchy vegetables which unfortunately carrots are a bit starchy. Bless you for asking a good question.

*****Thanks for writing Dave. My comment about possibly becoming unbalanced was perhaps a bit too vague. A short juice fast should be OK for most people because they are not consuming any fat in their diet to impede assimilation, but I favor green juices. If green juices are too harsh then a person can add an apple or some carrots to make the juice more palatable.

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