Juice or whole vegetable and fruit?

Q I am wondering if drinking the juice only is enough to help get the vitamins and minerals my body needs. I absolutely detest greens. I have found that if I juice greens with an apple or pear that I am able to drink it down and enjoy it. I can eat whole fruit all day. I'm just hoping that the benefits of the juice alone will be enough for me. What do you think?

A That's excellent. Greens are so important. Juicing is a better way to get your nutrients than consuming whole food because almost no one chews enough to break down the fibers to be able to fully glean all the nutrients. Drink your juice on an empty stomach and at least 20 to 30 minutes before a meal for best results.

You’ll still need to eat a balanced diet to get all the nutrients and fiber you need to be healthy, but juicing is superb for taking in large amounts of easy to assimilate nutrients. Juicing is also really easy on the digestive system.

For more info on juice vs. whole foods and other juicing info check out Benefits of Juicing.

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