juicing and drug addiction

by Velta
(Mesa AZ USA)

Q Will juicing be a big help? Please explain how this will work. What benefits can I expect to receive? Thank you Velta

A Juicing in general and green juices in particular are very useful in cleansing for people dealing with addictions. The juices are very cleansing and can quickly move out drug residue and toxic debris. The greens are full of minerals to help rebuild and replenish a depleted system. The greens are also said to contain nutrients that actually lessen the desire for unhealthy or addictive substances.

Overall juicing is a great way to cleanse the body and start on path of health. A short juice fast can work wonders particularly if it’s followed up with a diet containing plenty of fresh raw fruits and vegetables.

This page on the Detox Diet helps explain the process even though it mainly addresses weight loss the same goes for addictions and cleaning out the system.

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