by Andria
(Ontario, Canada)
Q Is there a specific way to get the most juice out of spinach? I don't feel like my juicer is bringing out a lot of juice and I don't want to waste the spinach by only turning it into compost. Thanks
A Your juicer is probably not one that does a very good job on leafy greens. Most centrifugal juicers, the ones with the basket are good for hard vegetables and fruits, but not so good with greens. The twin gear green life or champion auger style juicers do a much better job on greens. The Hurom, which is a vertical auger juicer does well with greens as well and may be a little easier to clean than the two mentioned above.
One way to improve the juice output with your juicer is to roll the greens up as tight as possible before feeding them into the juicer.
To really get the juice from your greens though you’ll have to use one of the juicers designed to handle greens.
Nov 25, 20 10:37 PM