Juicing my vegetables vs. drinking a ready-made vegetable juice

by Perry
(Blackwood, NJ US)

Q Which would provide me the more adequate daily supply of vegetable nutrition: Juicing my veggies or a ready-made, store-bought vegetable juice?

A Definitely juicing your own veggies Perry. All store bought juices are pasteurized which destroys many nutrients and take the life out of the juice. I have seen some juice bars that juice and then put the bottled juices n the cooler, sometimes for days. These would be better, but once again the juice begins to degrade as soon as it’s made so drinking fresh juice is best. Unless you purchase fresh made juice from a juice bar then I would make your own at home.

As a side note – I have seen juice bars juice some of their produce ahead of time and keep it in the fridge and add it to fresh juice when ordered. I don’t go for this either. Who knows how long that stuff has been in the fridge.

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