Kale and Fava Bean Salad

by Gretchen
(Fairfax, CA)

Kale (1 bunch)

fennel (1 bulb)

fava beans (up to 1 pound)

lemon (1-2)

avocado (1 medium)

Tear or chop the kale into bite size pieces, discarding stems. Add aspoonful of sea salt and massage into the leaves for about 5 minutes. The kale will begin to soften and release its juices. Let sit for at least 15 minutes, ideally 30 minutes or longer. Then rinse in fresh water and immerse in a water bath to desalinate. I like to leave it in the water for 15-30 minutes. afterwards let the leaves drain in a strainer and press the excess water out with a towel.

Meanwhile, shuck the fava beans. You will need to remove them from the outer pod, and then take the outer skin off each bean. It's time consuming but they're so delicious! I think the easiest way to take them out of their outer skin is to make a slit along the side with a sharp knife, then peel the skin away with your fingers.

Chop the fennel bulb. Zest the lemon(s), and then juice. Mix all the ingredients together in a large bowl with your hands, and eat.

Note: if you eat salt, you can use just a small amount to tenderize the leaves, and then leave it in. This will allow you to avoid the step of soaking.

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Jun 14, 2012
1 lb. Shucked beans?
by: Anonymous

I would like to try this recipe, it sounds delicious, but I would like to know if it calls for 1 lb. shucked fava beans or 1 lb. fava beans before skins are removed. I am assuming it is before skins are removed. Thank you.

******Hugh's reply*******
Gretchen says it was just a rough measurement, but was figured before they were shucked. Enjoy!

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