Lemonade Smoothie

by Hugh
(Fairfax, CA)

This fresh tangy smoothie really does taste like lemonade, and it has the goodness of lots of greens as well. It has a bright lemon/lime color and is really refreshing.

3 oranges

1 whole lemon with peel

2 - 3 bananas

½ fennel bulb

1 - 2 stalks of celery

1 head sweet napa cabbage

¾” chunk of fresh ginger

½ teaspoon turmeric powder (optional)

When I say “sweet” napa cabbage I am referring to one that doesn’t have that harsh cruciferous taste that some cabbage (and other cruciferous veggies) can have sometimes. Usually good organic napa cabbage tastes sweet, but just take a taste before you buy to be sure.

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Oct 23, 2014
by: Tricia

If we dont have sweet napa cabbage where I live (mexico) what other green should I subsitute in your opinion for a similar taste? This looks delish :)

*****When I say sweet I mean early in the spring or fall when the cabbage has not yet developed that strong cruciferious taste. So you may look out for that. If not then a mild green like most lettuce should work well. Enjoy!

Jun 05, 2014
by: Anonymous

Do you also throw in the oranges with the peel?

****No, just the lemons. There is something in the orange peel that makes them toxic in large quantities.

Jan 09, 2014
by: Anonymous

Do you juice the lemon or throw it in the blender I'm a bit confused as this is a smoothie?

You throw it in whole, it's a smoothie. A good blender should make short work of the lemon rind and all.

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