Mango and Wild Greens Smoothie

by Hugh
(Fairfax, CA)

This recipe is not only really tasty, but crazy healthy too. I just love the spring time when all the wild greens are so tender and abundant not only in the hills, but in my own backyard. So before you go out and pull all those weeds in your back yard and toss them in the compost why not harvest some great nutrition and save money at the same time?

At the very least you probably have a dozen wild greens in your back yard that you could incorporate into raw recipes that would increase the nutritional value tenfold. I’ll tell you this; if you want to take your raw diet to the next level start adding in wild foods.

Edible Wild Plants: Wild Foods From Dirt To Plate by John Kallas is a great book I have been using to identify wild greens I’m not familiar with or are uncertain of. I own five books on the subject and I feel his is the most useful in identifying and explaining the different wild edible plants.

The recipe itself is quite tasty. The mangos makes for sweet and creamy, the oranges add sweetness and liquid to blend, the bananas add sweetness and body, and the lemon a little zip that goes well with the wild greens.

2 large mangos

2 oranges

2 bananas

1 whole lemon

Wild Greens I used:


Yellow Dock

Miner’s lettuce

Chick weed


Sow Thistle


If you want to start slowly you can always use your market greens and add in just a few handfuls of the wild greens to see how it will taste. Because the wild greens contain super nutrition they could have a cleansing effect on you depending on what your diet has been like. Regardless of that I think one of the best things you could do for yourself would be to add wild greens into your diet.

Not only are the wild greens super healthy, but knowing that you could live on them in the event something was to happen to the food supply even short term should be very empowering.

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