Mineral Sources on the Raw Food Diet

Q. I don’t have a juicer, and even if I did I don’t think I would have the time to juice every day, isn’t there anything else I can do to get my minerals?

A. Check around to see if you have a natural market, health store or cafe that serves fresh green juice. Many places like Jamba Juice sell shots of wheat grass juice which is super nutrient rich. I’m fortunate enough to have 3 natural food markets that have fresh organic green juice so I partake everyday even though I have a pretty good juicer at home. I can buy a 16 oz. juice for a little over $5 which is darn near what it would cost me to buy the veggies myself.

Green smoothies are a good source of easily digested minerals as well. Blending doesn’t remove the fiber, which I think is a good thing for my morning smoothie, but they do reduce the fiber to near liquid which makes the minerals easy to digest.

Green powders like ‘Greener Grasses’ and ‘Ormus Greens’ can be very valuable as well. They can be mixed with water, juice, or smoothies. I add at least 2 tablespoons of one of these to my morning green smoothie every day. I feel amazing when I keep up on my greens and on the odd occasion I don’t get enough green juice, smoothies, or super greens into my diet I can feel that as well, a little out of balance to say the least.

Sprouts are another super source of minerals and can even be juiced if you have a wheat grass juicer or a juicer that will do leafy greens.

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