Mixing fruits and vegetables

Q I've read somewhere that it isn't good to mix fruits and vegetables during juice fasting. Is this true? Can that apply not only for juice fasting, but for raw dieting as well?

A There are some vegetables that don’t mix well with most fruits, mainly the starchy vegetables, but most other combinations are fine. It is true though that keeping combinations simple might be best when juice fasting. Celery and watermelon comes to mind as a simple good mix. When juice fasting some people like to have a green juice and several hours later have a fruit based juice. I favor mixing the fruit and vegetable juice together and taking them that way. I also believe in going with as much green juice as possible and only adding in fruit if needed to make the juice more palatable.

As for the raw diet, once again most fruits mix well with leafy greens, celery, and cucumbers. I have a large green smoothie each morning comprised of 50/50 fruit and vegetables (mainly leafy greens) by volume. I think the biggest key is not to consume too much fruit and fat together. Some people need to pay more attention to food combining than others, but it is generally accepted that most fruits mix well with greens. If you have digestive issues you can follow a food combining chart until you figure out what the issue is. Many times digestive stress is from over eating or eating meals too close to each other. If you check out the recipe pages you’ll see recipe combinations that should work for most people.

Food combining can be quite an issue for some people. Combinations like starchy vegetables and sweet fruit, or high protein foods with high starch foods. You can find a food combing chart online that will help explain this further.Food Combining Chart

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