Muscle building raw foods

by John

Building Lean Muscle

Building Lean Muscle

Q Hi, I currently take Maca, Spirulina, Goji Berries, Chia Seeds, Hemp Seeds, Cacao, Chlorella,aside from what I'm currently taking can you tell me what raw foods, superfoods, herbs I would need to build quality lean muscle mass. I have removed all those harmful bodybuilding supplements from my diet from my life but I need some direction into building a better body the raw food way. Thanks!

A First let me say congratulations on removing the harmful bodybuilding supplements from your diet. It’s important to understand that superfoods and foods in general only supply building blocks for growth, but it is the exercise or workout itself that builds muscle. As long as you are taking in more calories than you’re expending you should be able to make gains.

Having said that, protein, or more specifically amino acids are needed for muscle growth and you do need to make sure your intake is sufficient. Some people require more than others and there is protein in everything you eat, fruit included.

Leafy greens, nuts, and seeds contain minerals and protein needed for growth. If you feel you need more there are several raw protein powders available. Sun Warrior and Healthforce Nutritionals are two companies that market raw protein powders.

Some type of fruit meal before exercise is generally good for providing energy for the workout. And perhaps a super green drink mixed with one of those protein powders after for recovery. There’s a great book by Steven Arlin, called Raw Power that goes into detail and may be helpful for you.

I think cacao can be a problem and would like to suggest you try going without it. Among other things it can contribute to adrenal fatigue and I think you’ll be much healthier without it.

Keep in touch and let me know how you’re doing John.

Be Well and Wonderful, Hugh

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Aboslutely !
by: Daniel

Thx, you are absolutely right :-) Rawman - Daniel

It is possible !
by: Daniel

I went to raw food 7 months ago and so far I am training hard and eating a lot to gain weight and muscles in the same time. After few months I found out it is possible, it is hard but not impossible, you can check out my progress and some of my tips, trainings, meals which are rich in protein as well !If you have any recommendation feel free to let me know and help me with that ! :-)

by: Gerald

Wow I do appreciate your mind set and this should be way to get our body fit. It is not at good to have any kind of body building supplements to stimulate muscles. Good food and hard work out. These are the basic steps in bodybuilding.

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