by Hugh
This Napa Cabbage with Turmeric soup like many on this page makes a great satisfying meal in a very short time, which is very easy on your digestive system. Most of the recipes on the raw soup page are great if you’re having digestive issues, if you’re doing a cleanse, or if you just don’t feel like a heavy meal. Because its blended its already broken down to a digestible state, but remember with all liquids to savor them and swirl around the mouth to properly start the digestive process.
A smoothie in the morning, some juice or fresh oranges for lunch, and one of these soups for dinner is very easy on the digestive system and a great cleansing regimen. You’re eating and not hungry, yet because it’s so gentle on the digestive system a gentle cleansing is possible.
This particular recipe is quite tasty particularly if you have been eating a relatively clean diet for a while and your taste buds are working properly.
½ small to medium sized Napa cabbage cut into chunks
2 carrots chunked
1 large cucumber chunked
1 whole Meyer lemon cut in quarters
1” chunk of fresh ginger root
1 teaspoon turmeric or small chunk of fresh root
¼ teaspoon cayenne or piece of fresh pepper (optional)
1 avocado
Pure water if needed
1 sheet of nori cut into fine strips (optional)
Add all the ingredients except the nori to your blender a little at a time and pulse to mix. Blend thoroughly for about 20 seconds if you have a high speed blender, and longer if your blender requires more time to create a silky smooth liquid. Mix most of the nori into the soup by hand while reserving a little to sprinkle on the top.
You could serve this with a few raw crackers on the side or crumbled over the top.
This is a complete meal for one person or a very nice serving for two accompanied by a large salad or another entrée.
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Nov 25, 20 10:37 PM