No More Drugs or Sledgehammers Inside My Head!

by Ralph Nelson
(Richmond, CA)

10,000 sledgehammers inside my head, 10,000 sledgehammers outside my head, simultaneously pounding my skull with every heartbeat. That?s how my headaches had been almost every day of my life until May 21, 2009, the day that I started eating raw foods. I have been 99.99% raw ever since. In the last two years since then I have taken Excedrin only once ? after taking them almost every day of my adult life.

Other things that have changed in the last two years since going raw: After 40 years of high blood pressure my doc took me off of blood pressure pills; I took my driving test last year and I no longer need glasses; my 24/7 intense arthritis pain is often absent for days at a time and when I feel the pain it is slight and short-lived. My cholesterol went from 235 to 134 and many, many other wonderful things.

At 61 I?m training for a triathlon and my emotional health has never been better.

Eat Raw ? Be Well

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Wife needs help
by: Harold

My wife has chronic bronchitis, asthma, extreme headaches and sinus issuers. After hearing some of these wonderful testimonials, could someone head us in the right directions with receipts and type of raw fruit and vegetable combinations to use. I think all the medications are doing her damage. Sincere Thanks for any guidance.

*******The website is full of recipes and useful information.

by: Anonymous

Amazing! Congratulations!

by: Anonymous

you may never know how encouraging that is.. Thankyou

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