Nori Tomato Soup

by Hugh
(fairfax, ca)

This is one of those recipes that is flexible and is great for using what’s available in the garden, fridge or pantry. The base is water rich fruits and vegetables, and the rich tasting mineral dense nori seaweed. The nori also gives the soup more body.

4 or 5 tomatoes

4 or 5 lemon cucumbers or equivalent of another variety

4 or 5 stalks of celery

½ avocado

2 sheets nori seaweed

juice of ½ lemon

Blend all ingredients in the food processor until desired consistency.

Add any of these fresh ingredients to change it up:

fresh corn off the cob

flat leaf parsley




hot peppers


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Aug 17, 2012
Know Thy Body
by: Anonymous

The thing is, all this information is grand, and we take what we need, and know, and use it. Not all of us can eat just raw food, and not all of us can use all of the ingredients, but we can all get a good idea that eating healthy with nutrients still in tact is what it is all about. We cannot just be healthy with one element.

It takes time to know our body, it takes time to understand why certain maladies happen to us. What we do to our body over time is in the end what ends up our problem to fix. Most of it is related to food, stress, environment, consciousness, and the knowledge to change what does not work. We all cannot take fifty vitamins a day. Nor can we eat five or six servings of this or that to be healthy for sure! Not all of us have time to eat the way diet people say we have to, or the FDA says we have to, or anyone else for that matter. Be happy with you, learn, listen to your body, and live now. Love the site, and you know everyone is different, that is what makes us go around.

J Arianne

*********Well put. Everybody has to do what they feel is best for them. I enjoy the raw food diet because it doesn't take a lot of time to eat this way. I tell people to enjoy as much raw food as they can or have a feel for, and let nature do the rest.

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