Nutritional Values

by Brian Hines
(Kingston, Ny)

Q I was told that some fruits and vegetables lose their nutritional value the second they are juiced or blended, and some actually gain after sitting a few minutes. Is this true and which ones?

Thank you, Brian

A I believe all fruits and vegetables begin to decline nutritionally as soon as they are picked, with the possible exception of those that ripen after harvesting like bananas and avocados. And so with juicing and blending as the cell walls of the fruits and vegetables are broken down and exposed to oxygen they begin to deteriorate. I always say fresh is best, meaning eating right from the tree or plant is best. Or in terms of juicing and blending consuming right away is where you will get the most beneficial nutrient content, although kept in the fridge and consumed hours later they are still much better for you than any processed drink.

I have never heard of a juice or smoothie gaining any nutritional value from sitting a short while. The oxidation process has already begun and with it nutritional decline.

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