Pineapple Goodness

by Lavendergrey

1 large handful of fresh baby spinach

1/2 fresh pineapple

10 strawberries

1/2 cucumber

Juice in the order listed, pour over ice and enjoy! This is great for breakfast.

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May 24, 2015
by: Arodneynonymous

can u explain why fruit juices are hard on the body

*******Because all the fiber has been removed and its basically sugar water hitting your system. Short term for a cleanse or to acclimate to juicing should be OK for most, but long term fruit juicing is not recommended.

Mar 30, 2014
really good
by: luis A.

this was delicious, will do again very soon

Feb 20, 2013
by: juliana

Thanks for the recipe. It was delicious!

Feb 03, 2013
umm yeah...
by: Jae

You should omit the cucumber because its too overwhelming. I added honey and pineapple juice.

*****Hugh's Reply*****Hey Jae, sounds like you like your juice sweet. The idea is too get the desired juice taste without adding things like honey. There are plenty of sweet fruits that will give you the sweetness you like.

Also straight fruit juice can be very hard on the body, that's why many of the juices on this site are a mix of fruits and vegetables, or just leafy greens and tart fruit. Enjoy!

Nov 26, 2012
by: Rich

I love pineapple and strawberries together. Thanks for the recipe and I'll share it on my website

Thank you!

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