Possible allergies to fruits and veggies?

by Cory

A Store bought juices are pasteurized which means the enzymes are destroyed, but I wouldn’t give up on fresh juices without a trial. If your reactions are not too severe then you might go to a juice bar and order a small juice. Drink only the amount you feel comfortable with and see what type of reaction you get if any.

I had not heard of this and when I researched this is what I found. They say that birch pollen can contaminate certain raw foods during the spring months. Those foods include apples, carrots, celery, cherries, kiwi, plums, pears, almonds, peaches, hazelnuts and parsley. I found nothing on birch enzymes, and I have to admit an allergy to birch enzymes sounds a little strange to me. Perhaps a local naturopath could help you sort things out and get to the root cause of your issue.

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