Quick Weight Loss Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle

quick weight loss tips

Quick weight loss tips are so important, as the developed countries of the civilized western world are in an obesity crisis. It is caused mainly through the lifestyles that many of us seem to have adopted; one of work hard, play hard; just eat what you can, when you can, and let the devil take the high road. The fact of the matter is that when we take this approach, we just simply don't allow enough time to eat properly, so we wolf down a variety of fast foods, end up eating late dinners, and not surprisingly, we end up being overweight. So, let's just stop for a moment, count to ten, and take a look at some quick weight loss tips I’ve gathered for you.

First of all you need to re-evaluate your life and get your priorities right, and your number one priority is your health. If you don't enjoy good health, all the money and socializing in the world won't do you a bit of good. So, the first of my quick weight loss tips is give your health, and therefore your weight, your full and most immediate attention.

The next of my quick weight loss tips is to think about what you eat. You already know that fast foods are no good for you, and that you should avoid fatty foods, and foods that are high in calories and sugars. These are all very calorie dense so one meal can add up to almost your entire recommended caloric intake for the day. Eating less calorically dense foods that naturally have higher water content will allow you to feel satiated on far fewer calories.  But don’t order the healthy large salad and drown it in 2600 calories of bacon bits, cheese and salad dressing. Each tablespoon of dressing is approximately 180 calories.

quick weight loss tips

The other thing that many of us struggle with is time. There never seems to be enough time to cram in all the things that we have to do, and as we said above, this leads us all too often to eating fast foods for speed and convenience. Therefore prioritizing your life and most importantly your meal schedule is paramount to not only enjoying greater health, but avoiding complete physical and emotional breakdown. An important piece of this is not eating late at night, that food sits in your stomach all night, which is why most people don’t feel like eating breakfast in the morning.  Take your last meal as early in the evening as you can and don’t eat again.

So what about incorporating more raw foods into your diet? Have you ever considered changing your eating habits to eat raw (live) food instead of cooked food? Well, this is another of my quick weight loss tips. Raw food is not only extremely healthy, and really good for you too, but is also takes the minimum of time to prepare. Obviously there is no cooking involved, so the only time you need spend is in the preparation, and that can be done in a matter of minutes if you’re doing salads, or smoothies. And raw fruits and vegetables are high water and high fiber content foods which means they are low caloric density foods so you can load up, lose weight and not feel hungry.

In order to stay fit and healthy, we need to make sure that we get the right blend of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. These are absolutely essential for our well-being. Without them our health would be seriously impaired, and in the worst case scenario, the lack of certain vitamins and minerals would be devastating. The truth of the matter is that when we cook our food, we cook out so many of the health giving nutrients, and the actual life force of the food. If you want to feel alive and vibrant, you need to eat foods that are alive and vibrant. So quick weight loss tips that recommend uncooked raw food, are not just great for helping you to lose weight, they're fantastic for your overall well-being too.

Quick weight loss tips don't come much simpler. So, get your priorities right; put your health and weight at the top of the list, and change your diet to one of incorporating more raw foods. You'll be slimmer, fitter, healthier and happier too, and you'll still have plenty of time for socializing.

Check out some of the raw food recipes to get you started on the road to Greater Health.

““Life is not complex. We are complex. Life is simple, and the simple thing is the right thing.” - Oscar Wilde

Raw Foods Home > Raw Food Weight Loss > More Quick Weight Loss Tips

The contents of this website and my newsletter are gleaned from my experiences and observations, meant only for educational purposes and not intended to replace medical advice, consultations, or treatment of any kind. I recommend you see your professional health care provider if you suspect you have an illness or disease of any kind. I’m not medically trained, and I would never suggest or imply that I know what is best for someone else’s body or overall health, ultimately each of us is the only one who knows what’s best for us.

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