Raw and Traveling

by B.Marie

Q I have been happily healthy and 99% Raw and juicing for over seven years (herbal tea = cooked food ). I must travel to rural Germany in the winter. I know my RAW foods will be limited. Dare I add something cooked, if so what? It would only be temporary, but I would like to otherwise enjoy my time there (and not be in the bathroom)... then return to the states and my way of eating.

A I think your safest bet would be steamed veggies, and after that roasted squash, sweet potato, or other root veggies. Filling up on all the raw foods available before partaking of the cooked food would be best. I say enjoy your trip and do the best you can when you can. It’s better to eat some steamed veggies than to stress about having enough raw food to eat.

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the affects...
by: Anonymous

I am more concerned with the affects on my skin (why I am raw) and my digestion... I will try to add a bid of steamed veg prior to going. It just doesn't feel appetizing any more.

******Understood :-). Perhaps you'll have more raw foods available than you think, but I do know a number of high raw folks that eat steamed veggies without incident.

thank you
by: B. Marie

One of the biggest factors in my staying raw, is a skin condition. I am more stressed, it would flare up and become really uncomfortable. I will test out steamed veggies. Thank you!

*****Please let us know how it works out.

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