Raw animal products

by Andrea
(Brisbane, Australia)

Q This diet is called "raw", but there is no mention anywhere of foods like oysters, gravallax, sashimi, proscuitto-none of these foods are cooked and beside the proscuitto, have very little processing done to them prior to ingestion. Why is this so?

A Great question Andrea. I would say 90% to 95% of people that consider themselves "raw fooders" are vegan as well, meaning they east no animal products. Some of the 5% to 10% non-vegans eat dairy and perhaps eggs, but a very small percentage of them eat raw animal flesh or seafood.

There was a small group of those consuming animal flesh and seafood that sprung from a Frenchman who promoted the diet, but after he died of poor health that kind of put the damper on that.

I think also that you have to be so careful preparing animal foods, and that many people find the thought of eating raw animal products absolutely repulsive.

Although as you mentioned many people eat raw oysters, fish and prosciutto now, and the american indians where well known for their consumption of both wind dried salmon and wind dried buffalo.

Most raw fooders whether completely vegan or not are opposed to injuring animals, and believe man has evolved to the point where he no longer needs to feed on lesser beings.

Many are guided by the belief that killing is killing and that world peace begins at the dinner table.

I think most raw fooders believe that all humans should be able to choose their own diet, but hope for the day when animals will be safe, the environment clean, and our fellow humans healthy.

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Bye bye animal products
by: Andrea

Thanks for your reply. I did a lot more research over the week end about raw food and being unsqueamish about eating animal products isn't the final word on it all. I have cancer so am looking at alkilinity too, and upon checking the products mentioned, found they are acid forming in the body....so bye bye to my animal products until I can get a positive result for my tumor. Thanks again for the reply.

**Great point Andrea, A raw vegan diet is an alkaline diet which is one of the many benefits. Cheers.

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