Raw Chocolate Cake

by Marc

Makes one 9-inch cake; 8 servings

Equipment: Food processor


3 cups walnuts
1 teaspoon vanilla extract, optional
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
20 pitted medjool dates
2/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder or raw chocolate powder
4 teaspoons water
1 cup fresh raspberries for garnish


Place the walnuts and salt in a food processor fitted with the S blade and process until finely ground. Add the dates, cocoa powder, and vanilla and process until the mixture begins to stick together. Add the water and process briefly.

Transfer to a serving plate and form into a 9-inch round cake. Chill for 2 hours. Decorate the cake and plate with fresh raspberries or top before serving. Covered with plastic wrap, Flourless Chocolate Cake will keep for three days in the refrigerator or two weeks in the freezer. Bring to room temperature before serving.

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