Raw Food Diet Guidelines

Q. Does following the raw diet mean I can’t eat any cooked food?

A. No, not at all, any additional raw foods you can add to your diet will help, and if you build up to at least 50% raw foods you should see some very good results. If you’re able to eat somewhere between a 75% to 100% raw diet you can expect to experience great results. If you’re having difficulty on the raw food diet then adding some lightly steamed vegetables, squash, quinoa, or rice can provide some calorically dense foods without adding additional fat to your diet.

Quite honestly I believe the majority of people are better off being on a 75% to 85% raw diet than trying to attain a 100% raw food diet. It can be tricky dealing with the strong emotional pull of old habits and the complex nature of health, healing and diet. It takes dedication and a commitment to continued research and adjustments to be successful on a totally 100% diet. Let alone the fact that it just may not be physiologically possible for some to attain.

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