Raw Food Diet Lowers My LDL Cholestrol and Blood Pressure

by Tom D. - Chef - Age 39
(North Salem, NY)

In the past 3 months I have lost 26lbs, my bad LDL cholesterol is going down and the HDLs are going up. Blood pressure is down from 189 over 118, to 134 over 89. Almost off the medications.

Before that 2-3 meals per day were normally consisting of the SAD diet and 24 years of working in traditional French and Contemporary Restaurants. I was in bad shape and didn't even realize it.

I knew I had a few extra pounds but didn't realize the overall negative impact I was having on my body. Not even trying I changed my diet by just sampling everything I made of Raw and Living foods.

Being a Chef it is highly important to understand how flavor profiles work together. I now prepare 8-10 raw salads daily and 1-3 macrobiotic dishes consisting of white beans, black rice or lentils slow cooked and finished with something raw and/or living.

By taking specific flavor profiles such as Thai, Spanish, or Southwest I feel I am creating foods that can appeal to the most die-hard of SAD dieters. I am walking proof and I feel great!!!

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for low blood pressure
by: Anonymous

what were you eating?

Hugh's reply****

Tom was eating a wide variety of raw foods. Take a look at the wide variety of raw recipes on the recipe pages at the website.

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