Savory Green Smoothie

by Hugh

Savory Green Soup

Savory Green Soup

This Green Smoothie is a savory smoothie and could also be called a blended salad or soup. The greens listed below are just a jumping off point; just about any greens you can think of can be used or combined to make a tasty and nutritious green smoothie.

1 head of romaine Lettuce
3 heads baby bok choy
½ cup of water

Cut all ingredients into manageable pieces and blend until smooth. Basically any vegetable could be added, tomatoes, celery, summer squash and cucumbers come to mind. Fennel bulb adds a very nice flavor and cilantro, mint or basil can shift the flavor of your green smoothie in completely different directions.

You could add an apple, orange, or a few dates to sweeten if you like, but it’s best to either add fruit or fat, not both, unless the addition of one with the other present is a small amount. It’s just a matter of experimentation and yummy taste testing on your part.

The green smoothie shown here is topped with a dollop of carrot soup and sprinkled with hemp seeds. Also shown are a small bowl of hemp seeds and two side dishes, one of fresh sunflower sprouts and the other re-hydrated wakame flakes.

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