Spinach Salad With Cashews Avocado and Cranberries

Prep Time: 5 mins

* 4 cups baby spinach, organic
* 1/3 cup raw cashews
* 1/4 cup dried cranberries, organic
* 1/2 avocado, organic
* 1 teaspoon lime juice


1. Gather the amount of ingredients you need for the number of people you are serving, the measurements above are for one serving.
2. Cut avocado into bite size chunks.
3. Sprinkle lime juice on avocados.
4. Toss all ingredients.
5. Serve immediately.
6. Note: if possible avoid name brand dried cranberries as they contain an excess amount of sugar.

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Nov 07, 2010
Really yummy!
by: Gretchen

What a delicious combination! I like lots of spinach, so I altered the proportions for myself. Thanks for suggesting this - I would never have thought of putting all these together. I think it will be the perfect thing to make for my family at the holidays.

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