Spinach Smoothie

by Hugh
(Fairfax, CA)

This super nutritious smoothie tastes really great and will give plenty of energy to get the job done…whatever that may be.

1 pound of fresh spinach

2 oranges

4 stalks of celery

2 bananas

small chunk of fresh ginger

purified water as needed

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Oct 24, 2015
food combining
by: Anonymous

I thought combining fruits like bananas with high acid fruits like oranges or pineapple was bad food combining.

******It can be for some, but I have never had an issue with it particularly when mixed in a smoothie with greens. I feel that when you make a smoothie you're combining all the foods into one new food, which digests very well.

Jan 16, 2015
How well does it freez?
by: Anonymous

Can I make a week worth of this recipe and freeze it?

******I would not. I would make no more than you can consume in a day. The idea is to drink it as fresh as possible.

Jan 02, 2014
Oranges or grapes
by: Nobody Important


I usually use grapes for both liquid and sweetness in the smoothies I make. To make the smoothie smooth, I use banana and/or a little flax seed oil.

I haven't tried this particular smoothie so I can't really rate it.

****I use grapes sometimes too for the liquid portion, but this one uses the oranges, celery and a little water. Give it a try and see how you like it. :-)

Aug 10, 2013
Use a blender for this one
by: Anonymous

Bananas and juicers don't mix.

Yes, this is a smoothie recipe, not a juice recipe.

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