by Sheila Bailey
(Salisbury, NC, America)
Q I can't stop eating sugar, what can I use instead of sugar. Is raw sugar OK.
A I don’t believe you're having Sugar Cravings, but rather the overgrowth of bad bugs in your system are. Probably a candida overgrowth. Candida resides in our bodies and helps keep things clean when our systems are in balance, but when we eat more sugar than we should we feed the candida and it multiplies. Then it wants more sugar so it turns into a vicious cycle with never ending cravings.
After a while this can really impact your health in a negative way so you must get your body back in balance, but as you know this is not easy because of the sugar cravings.
There are a number of things you can do to bring the candida back in check and curb your sugar cravings. Anything from a water fast to over the counter candida cleanses. If you have a natural health practitioner you can work with I would ask them about a fast or cleanse they would recommend. If you have the time and resources you might even consider a supervised fast. In the end your approach might depend on your overall health, your willpower, and your daily schedule.
A great cleanse that is easy to follow and does a thorough job is the Ejuva Cleanse. You can find it near the bottom of the Detox Diet webpage, but read through the entire page because all the information will be helpful to you as will the other detox pages and recipes on the website.
There are a number of remedies and various cleanses on the market, but you want a reliable one that will get in and do the trick.
Nov 25, 20 10:37 PM