
by A Bloor
(Daly city, California)

This fresh tangy juice would be a great kick start in the morning or a nice refresher any time of day. I personally love fresh ginger root and add it to many of my recipes, not only juices.

Some of you may remember a powdered drink mix in the late 60’s and early seventies, and perhaps later that was called Tang. It was supposedly inspired by a drink mix the astronauts were drinking in space, which met many of their nutritional needs. At least that was the marketing angle they were using back then. This juice looks like a winner to me.

Half inch of ginger

Three peeled navel oranges

Quarter lemon slice

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Sep 07, 2013
I remember Tang
by: Joan

I do remember Tang when I was a kid so I was inspired to make this juice. This was very refreshing and did have a tang to it, which I liked. It is so easy to make and clean up.

Glad I bought plenty of oranges and ginger. I get my lemons off a tree in my yard. This may be my new steady.

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